greeneden biostimulants

How to Apply Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Beginners Guide

How to Use Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants 

Granular or Soluble?

When using Mycorrhizal Fungi or other Plant Biostimulants, such as our GreenEden biologic amendments, proper application to the plant, soil, turf, etc. will guarantee maximized results.

When you apply Mycorrhizal Fungi, the aim is to make direct root contact.

 This holds true for granular or water soluble products; As the Mycorrhizae will form a natural symbiosis with the root mass.  This greatly expands your plants reach, and allows increased access to the water and nutrients it needs to thrive.  

There are advantages to using a granular or soluble inoculant depending on your situation and conditions.  It is best to keep it simple, and not overthink it. Unlike common fertilizers and synthetic chemicals, Mycorrhizal Fungi cannot damage your plants due to using too much or too often; Follow the product instructions for the best results.

Read on to learn how you can find the best option to boost your grow with Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants

How to Apply Granular Mycorrhizae


Seed banding is a technique where you apply Mycorrhizae into the planting hole or furrow prior to direct seeding.  Always keeping in mind proper planting depth, watering in, and seed germination care.  It is typically best to follow the directions on your seed packet.  Another way to inoculate seeds is to mix the Mycorrhizae within the seed packet itself.  This is also effective, however, the coverage may not be as complete.

Transplants/New Plantings

For new plantings, incorporating a granular product, such as EndoBoost Pro, can be accomplished in a number of ways.  The Mycorrhizae can be incorporated into your backfill or directly applied to the roots of the planting.  Direct root contact is essential for the best results, as it holds the best odds for colonization and success.  Simply sprinkle a small amount of Mycorrhizae onto the root ball prior to planting.  When using EndoBoost Pro, you will only need about 1/2 teaspoon for a one gallon transplant.

Strawberry Transplant

Soil Amendment

Incorporating Mycorrhizae into a soil blend or potting mix will also be effective, as you are bringing natural, beneficial fungi into your soil.  Most store bought, bagged soils are typically lacking these beneficials.  Mycorrhizae needs a root mass to colonize and survive;  And over time some of the dormant beneficials will begin to lose viability.  So it is important to be aware of product shelf life.  This generally begins after one year or more.

How often you apply Mycorrhizae is important in order to get the best plant establishment, and lessen transplant shock.  

Additional treatments of Mycorrhizae can be made every 10-14 days through final transplant;  And approximately 7 days prior to re-potting or transplanting.  This gives the Mycorrhizal Fungi time to colonize your plants root mass and ensure a successful grow.

Established Plants

Granular Mycorrhizae and Biostimulants are also beneficial to apply to established plants.  Cultivate and blend into soil and make sure to water in well.  Amend to the drip line cover well and/or mulch.  Mycorrhizae cannot survive when exposed to sunlight.

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi

How to Apply Soluble Mycorrhizae


Biopriming, or seed soaking is a technique where a solution of Mycorrhizal Fungi/Biostimulants are made for seeds to soak in.  The idea is that the Biostimulants adhere to the seeds and are established at planting.  Using a product like EndoBoost Hydro will inoculate your seeds with a diverse variety of beneficials.  Recommended soaking times vary, but typically 8-12 hours shows the best results.

Transplants/New Plantings

Mix a solution of Mycorrhizae with non-chlorinated water and add as a soil or root drench.  Taking care to water in well.  The key, once again, is to make direct root contact.  Follow application instructions for the proper concentration.  Similar to granular products, Mycorrhizae may be added every 10-14 days through plant establishment.  And ideally at least 7 days prior to transplanting.


Mycorrhizae can be added directly to hydroponic systems.  Care needs to be taken on what filtration systems/mesh sizes are used in specific setups.  Many of these solutions, due to their ingredients, do not fully solubilize and need to be decanted, or mixed to an agitated (suspended) state.  For example, GreenEden’s EndoBoost Hydro can be added to systems that use a 250 micron filter or larger.  This allows the many powerful Biostimulants to be fully incorporated for the results you require.

Established Plantings

There are many ways that Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants can be effective when added to established, newly planted, or distressed trees or plantings.

Soil Drench

A soil/root drench is effective on porous soils, when watered in well to ensure complete root contact.  This is especially effective for greenhouse or potted plants.


On compacted soils, or to ensure penetration to the roots mass, a soil injection can be used.  This can be as simple as using a stake to get down to the root zone, usually 6-8 inches deep is all you need.  Use a grid pattern out to the drip line for an even distribution.  Then pour the solution into the hole(s).  There are also commercial grade root injectors available;  These are used primarily by professional arborists or landscapers.

InoBoost Ultimate Compost Tea


It is important to note that Mycorrhizae are not effective as a foliar spray.  Mycorrhizal Fungi colonizes plant roots.  On the other hand, Biostimulants such as Humic Acid, Sea Kelp, L-Amino Acids, and others have massive benefits when used as a foliar spray.

What To Know When Using Mycorrhizal Fungi

  • Direct root contact
  • Keep out of direct sunlight; In a cool, dark place
  • Use non-chlorinated water
  • Follow product instructions for awesome results

Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Bacteria Work Together for Your Plants Success

GreenEden Biostimulants take advantage of the natural relationship that occurs in healthy and productive soil ecosystems.  Beneficial Bacteria and Mycorrhizae form an essential component of living soils.  They work in combination to build soils and give plants the conditions they need to give you professional results; without synthetic chemicals or pesticides.

Simplify the Science

The takeaway when you are using Mycorrhizal Fungi in your grow is this:  Keep it simple, get to the roots, let nature do the work, and…

Boost your grow the natural way


p.s.  If you found value in this post, please like, share, and follow the knowledge from GreenEden.  The Natural Way to Plant and Soil Care.



Why Are Mycorrhizae Important To Plants and Soil?

Living Soil

worm castings

What is the difference between dirt and soil?  And why do mycorrhizal fungi play such a critical role in developing natural, healthy, resilient plants and soil?  First, lets define the terms…

Dirt is made up from three main components: Sand, Silt, Clay.  Inert, lifeless particles.  Mineral fragments.  Basically a medium to host the diverse array of life that inhabits soil.  Merely one component in the composition of a living soil.

Soil is a combination of ‘dirt’, organic matter, liquid, and gases.  It is with these added materials that we begin to develop a living soil, also referred to as the Soil Food Web.  This diverse, complete habitat supports a vast array of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, worms, vertebrates, insects, and plants. All part of a living soil, and critical to maintaining a healthy overall environment.  These organisms contribute to this environment by allowing for increased plant nutrient supply and soil structure, protection from harmful parasites, reduction in erosion, salinity, and leaching of nutrients.

Mycorrhizal fungi are an integral part of this living soil environment.  They act as a foundational organism for the soil ecosystem.  Many studies have been conducted that show that the presence of mycorrhizae in soil has many benefits.

Almost all land plants form symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi. These below‐ground fungi play a key role in terrestrial ecosystems as they regulate nutrient and carbon cycles, and influence soil structure and ecosystem multifunctionality. Up to 80% of plant N and P is provided by mycorrhizal fungi and many plant species depend on these symbionts for growth and survival<1>.

Vast networks of Mycorrhizae form in habitats that are undisturbed or managed sustainably.  These networks allow for the movement of water and nutrients amongst varying plant species.  The most prevalent of these fungi are the Endomycorrhizae, or Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AM).

These fungi form mutualistic symbiosis with more than 85% of higher plant species. They play important roles in plant resource capture and nutrient cycling. The ability of AM fungi to enhance host plant uptake of relatively immobile nutrients, in particular phosphorus (P), and several micronutrients, has been the most recognized beneficial effect of mycorrhiza.  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi absorb inorganic P either from the soluble P pools in the soil, or from insoluble forms, such as, rock phosphates (RP). Recent studies show that the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices solubilized RP through localized alterations of pH and/or by the production of organic acid anions, that may act as chelating agents<2>.

In simpler terms, mycorrhizae make nutrients and micronutrients more readily available to plants.  By breaking down organic matter, chelating (bonding) nutrients from the soil, and improving water holding capacity, these fungi form the base of a living soil.  Allowing the soil to naturalize and build a healthy ecosystem.

Now for the catch…

Land management practices affect the formation of mycorrhizae. The number of mycorrhizal fungi in soil will decline in fallowed fields or in those planted to crops that do not form mycorrhizae. Frequent tillage may reduce mycorrhizal associations, and broad spectrum fungicides are toxic to mycorrhizal fungi. Very high levels of nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer may reduce inoculation of roots. Some inoculums of mycorrhizal fungi are commercially available and can be added to the soil at planting time<3>.

Common, accepted practices have gone against what nature has intended.  Tillage, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, topsoil stripping.  All of these affect soil structure and the overall soil ecosystem.

In order to build a natural, healthy, resilient soil ecosystem, an entirely different approach needs to be taken.  Minimal tillage (no till), mulching bare soil, use of natural/organic soil amendments,  and crop rotation practices need to be considered.  Thoughtful amendment of living soil ecosystems.  Mimic nature, build the soil, and see better results.

Boost Your Grow The Natural Way. 

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi



<2>Javaid, Dr. Arshad. (2009). Role of Mycorrhizae in Plant Nutrition. Microbes in Sustainable Agriculture. 145-166.














Mycorrhizal Roots

What Are Plant Biostimulants and How Do They Benefit Plants?

Plant Biostimulants Defined

“A substance or microorganism that, when applied to seeds, plants, or the rhizosphere, stimulates natural processes to enhance or benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, or crop quality and yield.”  This, according to the proposed 2018 U.S. farm bill establishes the first definition of biostimulants by any U.S. government entity.

“The inclusion of a definition for plant biostimulants in the Farm Bill represents a critical initial step in the legislative process that will ultimately support the development of new sustainable technologies for agriculture and U.S. farmers,” said David Beaudreau, Executive Director of the U.S. Biostimulant Coalition (USBC).

A slightly altered definition:  “A plant biostimulant is any substance or microorganism applied to plants with the aim to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and/or crop quality traits, regardless of its nutrients content”<1>.  The key difference in this definition is the phrase, ‘regardless of its nutrients content,’ which in essence says that these materials can improve and enhance plant growth and function in ways that are not solely due to the nature of the material alone.  It is this statement that sets Plant Biostimulants apart from traditional plant fertilization.  Plant Biostimulants work as a complement to nutrients present and work in ways to make these nutrients more available to plants, among many other benefits.

With decades of development and scientific research citing the many benefits of biostimulants, the included definitions offer some legitimacy to a still emerging field.  With the potential to accelerate the use of these substances in sustainable agriculture/horticulture and other ways.

In this post, we will define the broad categories of Plant Biostimulants, and show how these materials work with plants and within a soil ecosystem to improve soil and plant health and productivity.

What Are The 3 Main Functions Of Plant Biostimulants?

  • Nutrient Use Efficiency
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Plant Quality Traits

Benefits of Using Plant Biostimulants 

  • Increased Nutrient and Water Uptake/Availability
  • Increased Root and Plant Growth
  • Tolerance to Abiotic Stress (Extreme Temperatures, Drought, Flood, High Winds, Nutrient Deficiency, Soil Compaction)
  • Improved Plant Performance, Quality, and Yields
  • Improved Soil Health, Function, and Performance
  • Increased Resistance to Pathogens

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi

Categories of Biostimulants

  • Humic and Fulvic Acids
  • Seaweed Extracts and Botanicals
  • Beneficial Fungi
  • Beneficial Bacteria
  • Others (Protein Hydrolysates, Chitosan, Inorganic Compounds, etc.)

Humic and Fulvic Acids

Humic substances (HS) are natural constituents of the soil organic matter, resulting from the decomposition of plant, animal and microbial residues, but also from the metabolic activity of soil microbes using these substrates<1>.  Humic and Folic Acids hold similar functions in plant and soil benefits, with slightly different chemical makeups.  HS are the major component of humus, or the organic portion of soil.  

Common sources of commercially available HS are leonardite (mineral deposits), naturally humified organic matter (peat/volcanic soils), or chemically extracted from composts and agricultural by-products.

The benefits of HS for plants as well as soil are many.  HS are reported to play key roles in various soil and plant functions such as controlling nutrient availability, carbon and oxygen exchange between the soil and the atmosphere, and the transformation and transport of toxic chemicals.  In addition, humic substances in soils affect plant physiology and the composition and function of rhizosphere (root zone) microorganisms <2>.  Thereby increasing nutrient uptake, plant growth, and yield.  As well as indications that HS can have a positive effect against abiotic stress (drought, salinity, soil deficiency, etc.)

The results of studies have shown that HS are optimized when used in combination with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and other biostimulants<2,3>.  Suggesting that using combinations of biostimulants containing HS may play a large role in developing more sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Seaweed Extracts and Botanicals

The use of seaweeds and botanicals as biostimulants (biofertilizers) have been used in agriculture for millennia, as a soil amendment and to enhance crop productivity.  The effects of these various materials have been documented in research studies to have many benefits to both soil and plants.

Seaweeds and botanicals are renewable resources that have benefits as both biostimulants and biofertilizers, acting as a food source for plants as well as benefiting the soil biome in feeding PGPR. In soils, they act as chelaters, breaking down nutrients to feed plants, improve soil structure, as well as maximize water retention.  They also contain plant growth promoting hormones and other materials to aid in plant stress reduction (drought, salinity, and temperature extremes, etc.),<1,2>.

Common sources of seaweed extracts, such as Ascophyllum nodosum, contain over 70 trace minerals and vitamins, growth hormones, enzymes, and proteins.  Used in combination with PGPR, they have shown increases in root development, plant growth and yield, and have been shown to be effective in many agricultural and horticultural crops<2>.

Other botanicals, or extracts from plant substances, are being developed to assist in plant protection (biocontrol) products.  However, development of these extracts also show potential as biostimulants as well.  Similar to crop rotations, intercropping, cover crops and mulching, these materials show promise in allelopathy, or the beneficial interaction that occurs between plants.

Beneficial Fungi

The mutualistic benefits between plants and fungi have been evolving since the origin of plants on land, over 450 million years ago.  Mycorrhizal fungi form symbioses with over 90% of all plant species.  Many common agricultural and horticultural species associate with mycorrhizae, and the benefits of such have been widely documented. There is an increasing interest for the use of mycorrhizae to promote sustainable agriculture, considering the widely accepted benefits of the symbioses to nutrition efficiency (for both macronutrients, especially phosphorus, and micronutrients), water balance, biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) stress protection of plants<1>.

The fungal networks formed by mycorrhizae have also been shown to create what are called hyphal networks.  These networks allow interplant signaling to occur, where plant defense mechanisms are triggered to defend against insect and fungal pests<5>.  Also, these hyphal networks allow for the movement of beneficial bacteria to where this signaling has occurred.

Other beneficial fungi, such as Trichoderma, have been identified to have their own unique benefits to soil and plants.  These fungi, unlike mycorrhizae, can live apart from plants; and have been reported to act as a biopesticide (biocontrol) agent and have plant growth promoting properties.  By colonizing plant roots, Trichoderma outcompetes pathogenic fungi, and induce plants to enable chemical defenses against certain pests.  They also promote plant growth through the release of growth enzymes and increase nutrient use efficiency<1,6>.

Beneficial Bacteria

Beneficial bacteria, specifically Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are multifunctional and influence all aspects of plant life.  Here are some of the ways this happens:

  • Help supply nutrients to crops;  
  • To stimulate plant growth, e.g., through the production of plant hormones;  
  • To control or inhibit the activity of plant  pathogens;  
  • Improved soil structure;  
  • Response to biotic and abiotic stress;  
  • Interactions with other organisms in the agroecosystems and bioaccumulation or microbial leaching of inorganics<1>.  

In this way, PGPR act as both biostimulants and biocontrol agents.  The soil, and specifically the rhizosphere, is the most biologically diverse ecosystem on the planet.  The inoculation of PGPR into these zones allow for plants to obtain the maximum benefit possible.  Much research has been conducted on the relationship between plants and PGPR<8>.

Similar to probiotics for humans, PGPR are recruited by plants to assist in improved nutrition and immunity.  Using the Mycorrhizal network, PGPR can be signaled, and move to assist the plant in defending against pathogens.  This occurs through the release of specific compounds that trigger a response from either the plant or the bacterium.  Many beneficial soil-borne microorganisms have been found to boost the defensive capacity in above-ground parts of the plant.  This induced systemic resistance (ISR) is a state in which the immune system of the plant is primed for accelerated activation of defense.  Where plants have been shown to signal for specific bacteria based on specific conditions<7>.

The potential for beneficial bacteria use in biointensive growing has been widely studied, and a diverse combination of bacteria affords the best opportunity to allow for plants to gain the maximum benefit in health and vigor.

Others (Protein Hydrolysates, Chitosan, Inorganic Compounds, etc.)

Other forms of biostimulants also have benefits to soil and plant health.  Protein hydrolysates are acquired from plant or animal byproducts.  They include amino acids and have been shown to increase Nitrogen uptake, regulate hormones and enzymes, and chelate nutrients.  Protein hydrolysates are known to increase microbial biomass and activity, soil respiration and, overall, soil fertility. Chelating and complexing activities of specific amino acids and peptides are deemed to contribute to nutrients availability and acquisition by roots<1>.

Chitosan and inorganic compounds also contribute in similar ways to optimize soil and plant health.  Many effects of beneficial elements are reported by the scientific literature, which promote plant growth, the quality of plant products and tolerance to abiotic stress<1>.

Chitosan and inorganic compounds also contribute in similar ways to optimize soil and plant health.  Many effects of beneficial elements are reported by the scientific literature, which promote plant growth, the quality of plant products and tolerance to abiotic stress<1>.

Reported Examples of the Main Effects and Physiological Actions Played by Plant Biostimulants

Plant Biostimulants Benefit Plants

The research is extensive, and ongoing.  The results are documented.  Numerous plants species have been cited to positively benefit from biostimulant use.  A growing awareness is occurring that there is a better way from the traditional methods used in farming and horticulture.  Feed the living soil, feed the plant.  Biostimulants improve soil health, optimize nutrient use, and increase plant growth, vigor,  yield and production.

The work that biostimulants perform allows for less fertilizer use and less need for pesticides, and also shows potential to be useful in site restoration/remediation<2>.  The research into the benefits of biostimulants, and the methods to maximize those benefits continues.

A more biointensive and sustainable agricultural (horticultural) environment is possible.  Build a living soil that is more resilient, regenerative, and let nature do the work.

Boost your grow the natural way.


<1>du Jardin; Nov. 2015; Plant Biostimulants: Definition, concept, main categories and regulation; Scientia Horticulturae volume 196; pg.3-14

<2>Velez et al.; Agricultural uses of plant biostimulants; May 2014; Plant and Soil (383, 1-2)

<3>Befrozfar et al.; Vermicompost, plant growth promoting bacteria, and humic acid can affect the growth and essence of basil; 2013; Annals of Biological research; 4 (2), pg.8-12

<4>Povero et al.;A systemic approach to discover and characterize natural plant biostimulants; April 2016; Frontiers in Plant Science; online

<5>Johnson, Gilbert; Interplant signaling through hyphal networks; Nov. 2014; New Phytologist; Wiley online library

<6>Harman; Trichoderma; Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; online

<7>Berendsen et al; The rhizosphere microbiome and plant health; Aug. 2012; Trends in Plant Science; Vol. 17(8); pg.478-486 

<8>Hayat et al.; Soil beneficial bacteria and their role in plant growth promotion: a review; Aug. 2010; Annals of Microbiology; online

Mycorrhizae Compatible Plant Species List

 What Are Mycorrhizae?

Myco, from the Greek word mýkēs, meaning “mushroom, fungus”.

Rhizae, from the Greek word rhíza, meaning “root”.  

Mycorrhizae, a root fungus, that grows in symbiosis with plants, where the fungi provide nutrients and water that the plant roots could not get on their own.  Also enabling the plant to defend against pathogenic fungi and predators.  In turn, the plant provides nutrients to the mycorrhiza through photosynthesis.  

This process is 400 million years in evolution, as shown in fossil records.  It has also been proposed that mycorrhizal fungi played a key role in bringing aquatic plants to land.  Thus enabling the diversity and abundance of vegetation we have today.  

The most prevalent form of Mycorrhiza, Endomycorrhizae (Arbuscular Mycorrhizae), colonizes approximately 85% of all plant species.  Along with Ectomycorrhizae, which colonizes up to 5% of plants, mainly select hardwoods and conifers; covers the majority of plants on earth.

The remainder of plants either have an association with other less prevalent mycorrhizae, or are non-mycorrhizal.

Why is this important?  Many common practices adversely affect the natural state of mycorrhizal colonization. Tillage, resulting in soil compaction, and fallow soil,  common nursery practices, over use of fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides, topsoil removal, all negatively affect mycorrhizae formation.  This can result in transplant shock, poor growth, plant loss, and lower production and yields.

We at GreenEden advocate for the natural way of plant and soil care.  Low or no till, addition of organic, natural amendments, and striving for balance with nature.  The evolution of the mycorrhizal relationship with plants is paramount in the development of a healthy ecology.

The following is a list of plant types and their mycorrhizal association.  By no means a complete list, but a good baseline of knowledge for what  mycorrhizal fungi you will need.


Plant Types With Endomycorrhizal Association**

Arborvitae Celery Grass Mulberry Ryegrass
Acacia Cherry Gum Monkey Pod Sassafras
Agapanthus Chokeberry Hackberry Nasturtium Sagebrush
Ailanthus Chrysanthemum Hawthorn Okra Serviceberry
Alder Citrus (all) Hemp Olive Sequoia
Alfalfa Clover Hibiscus Onion Silverbell
Almond Coconut Holly Pacific Yew Sourwood
Apple Coffee Hophornbeam Palms (all) Soybean
Apricot Coral Tree Hops Palmetto Squash
Artichoke Corn Horsechestnut Pampas Grass Strawberry
Ash Cotton Impatiens Papaya Sudan Grass
Asparagus Cottonwood Jojoba Passion Fruit Sugar Cane
Avocado Crabapple Juniper Paulownia Sumac
Bamboo Cryptomeria Kiwi Paw Paw Sunflower
Basil Cucumber Lavender Pea Sweet Gum
Bayberry Currant Leek Peach Sweet Potato
Bean Cypress Lettuce Peanut Sycamore
Begonia Dogwood Lily Pear Tea
Black Locust Eggplant Locust Pecan Tobacco
Blackberry Elm Ligustrum Pepper Tomato
Box Elder Eucalyptus London Planetree Pistachio Tree-of-heaven
Buckeye Euonymus Macadamia Persimmon Tupelo
Bulbs Fern Magnolia Pittosporum Walnut
Burning Bush Fescue Mahogany Plum Wheat
Cacao Fig Mahonia Poinsettia Willow
Cactus Forsythia Mango Potato Yam
Cannabis Fountain Grass Maples (all) Poplar Yarrow
Carrot Fuchsia Marigold Raintree Yew
Casuarina Gardenia Melons (all) Raphiolepsis Yucca
Cassava Garlic Mesquite Raspberry All nut trees except Pecan, Chestnut, and Hazelnut
Catalpa Geranium Millet Redbud All fruit trees, grapevines, grasses, and many vegetables
Ceanothus Gingko Mimosa Rose All berries except blueberry, cranberry, and lingonberry
Cedar Grapes (all) Morning Glory Russian Olive **Partial List of Compatible Species


Plant Types With Ectomycorrhizal Association**

Alder Birch Hemlock Madrone Poplar
Aspen Chestnut Hickory Oak Spruce
Basswood Chinnquapin Larch Pecan Willow
Beech Fir Linden Pine **Partial list of compatible species


Both Endo and Ectomycorrhizal Association**

Alder Cottonwood Hazelnut Willow
Aspen Eucalyptus Poplar **Partial list of compatible species


Plants With Other/No Mycorrhizal Association**

Brassica Family Amaranth Family Dianthus Rushes
Ericaceae Family Carnation Protea Sedges
**Partial list of non-compatible species

What Is EndoBoost Pro?

The Ultimate Granular Mycorrhizal Biostimulant

EndoBoost Pro is an OMRI Listed Organic, Premium, Blend of Endomycorrhizal Fungi, Beneficial Bacteria, Trichoderma, and Biostimulants that work together to naturalize soil, increase the surface area of roots, aid in nutrient and water uptake, and increase flowering, production and yields.  

This powerful blend helps reduce transplant shock, fertilizer use, need for pesticides, heat stress damage and drought stress.  All without the need for chemicals or synthetics.  From nature, for nature.

EndoBoost Pro

Simplify Your Grow

It’s really quite simple, even if you can’t pronounce all the names.  Take a diverse mix of fungi that colonizes over 85% of all plants, add beneficial bacteria that specialize in breaking down organic matter, defending against pathogens, and optimizing soil fertility; and Biostimulants to organically feed the fungus, bacteria, and plant alike.  What you get is a tremendous recipe to naturally improve your soil, plant health, and growing success.

For anyone that is concerned about our planet’s health, exposure to chemicals, synthetics, or what they consume, GreenEden provides solutions that give you professional grade plant performance.  Naturally.

Boost Your Grow the Natural Way

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi

It begins with Mycorrhiza, 400 million years in the making, and still going strong.  One of the main components of plant health for 92% of plant families<1>.  Let nature take the lead.


Get GreenEden Today….The Natural Way to Soil and Plant Care.





<1>Wang, B.; Qiu, Y.L. (2006). “Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants” (PDF). Mycorrhiza. 16 (5): 299–363.