greeneden biostimulants

How to Apply Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Beginners Guide

How to Use Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants 

Granular or Soluble?

When using Mycorrhizal Fungi or other Plant Biostimulants, such as our GreenEden biologic amendments, proper application to the plant, soil, turf, etc. will guarantee maximized results.

When you apply Mycorrhizal Fungi, the aim is to make direct root contact.

 This holds true for granular or water soluble products; As the Mycorrhizae will form a natural symbiosis with the root mass.  This greatly expands your plants reach, and allows increased access to the water and nutrients it needs to thrive.  

There are advantages to using a granular or soluble inoculant depending on your situation and conditions.  It is best to keep it simple, and not overthink it. Unlike common fertilizers and synthetic chemicals, Mycorrhizal Fungi cannot damage your plants due to using too much or too often; Follow the product instructions for the best results.

Read on to learn how you can find the best option to boost your grow with Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants

How to Apply Granular Mycorrhizae


Seed banding is a technique where you apply Mycorrhizae into the planting hole or furrow prior to direct seeding.  Always keeping in mind proper planting depth, watering in, and seed germination care.  It is typically best to follow the directions on your seed packet.  Another way to inoculate seeds is to mix the Mycorrhizae within the seed packet itself.  This is also effective, however, the coverage may not be as complete.

Transplants/New Plantings

For new plantings, incorporating a granular product, such as EndoBoost Pro, can be accomplished in a number of ways.  The Mycorrhizae can be incorporated into your backfill or directly applied to the roots of the planting.  Direct root contact is essential for the best results, as it holds the best odds for colonization and success.  Simply sprinkle a small amount of Mycorrhizae onto the root ball prior to planting.  When using EndoBoost Pro, you will only need about 1/2 teaspoon for a one gallon transplant.

Strawberry Transplant

Soil Amendment

Incorporating Mycorrhizae into a soil blend or potting mix will also be effective, as you are bringing natural, beneficial fungi into your soil.  Most store bought, bagged soils are typically lacking these beneficials.  Mycorrhizae needs a root mass to colonize and survive;  And over time some of the dormant beneficials will begin to lose viability.  So it is important to be aware of product shelf life.  This generally begins after one year or more.

How often you apply Mycorrhizae is important in order to get the best plant establishment, and lessen transplant shock.  

Additional treatments of Mycorrhizae can be made every 10-14 days through final transplant;  And approximately 7 days prior to re-potting or transplanting.  This gives the Mycorrhizal Fungi time to colonize your plants root mass and ensure a successful grow.

Established Plants

Granular Mycorrhizae and Biostimulants are also beneficial to apply to established plants.  Cultivate and blend into soil and make sure to water in well.  Amend to the drip line cover well and/or mulch.  Mycorrhizae cannot survive when exposed to sunlight.

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi

How to Apply Soluble Mycorrhizae


Biopriming, or seed soaking is a technique where a solution of Mycorrhizal Fungi/Biostimulants are made for seeds to soak in.  The idea is that the Biostimulants adhere to the seeds and are established at planting.  Using a product like EndoBoost Hydro will inoculate your seeds with a diverse variety of beneficials.  Recommended soaking times vary, but typically 8-12 hours shows the best results.

Transplants/New Plantings

Mix a solution of Mycorrhizae with non-chlorinated water and add as a soil or root drench.  Taking care to water in well.  The key, once again, is to make direct root contact.  Follow application instructions for the proper concentration.  Similar to granular products, Mycorrhizae may be added every 10-14 days through plant establishment.  And ideally at least 7 days prior to transplanting.


Mycorrhizae can be added directly to hydroponic systems.  Care needs to be taken on what filtration systems/mesh sizes are used in specific setups.  Many of these solutions, due to their ingredients, do not fully solubilize and need to be decanted, or mixed to an agitated (suspended) state.  For example, GreenEden’s EndoBoost Hydro can be added to systems that use a 250 micron filter or larger.  This allows the many powerful Biostimulants to be fully incorporated for the results you require.

Established Plantings

There are many ways that Mycorrhizae and Plant Biostimulants can be effective when added to established, newly planted, or distressed trees or plantings.

Soil Drench

A soil/root drench is effective on porous soils, when watered in well to ensure complete root contact.  This is especially effective for greenhouse or potted plants.


On compacted soils, or to ensure penetration to the roots mass, a soil injection can be used.  This can be as simple as using a stake to get down to the root zone, usually 6-8 inches deep is all you need.  Use a grid pattern out to the drip line for an even distribution.  Then pour the solution into the hole(s).  There are also commercial grade root injectors available;  These are used primarily by professional arborists or landscapers.

InoBoost Ultimate Compost Tea


It is important to note that Mycorrhizae are not effective as a foliar spray.  Mycorrhizal Fungi colonizes plant roots.  On the other hand, Biostimulants such as Humic Acid, Sea Kelp, L-Amino Acids, and others have massive benefits when used as a foliar spray.

What To Know When Using Mycorrhizal Fungi

  • Direct root contact
  • Keep out of direct sunlight; In a cool, dark place
  • Use non-chlorinated water
  • Follow product instructions for awesome results

Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Bacteria Work Together for Your Plants Success

GreenEden Biostimulants take advantage of the natural relationship that occurs in healthy and productive soil ecosystems.  Beneficial Bacteria and Mycorrhizae form an essential component of living soils.  They work in combination to build soils and give plants the conditions they need to give you professional results; without synthetic chemicals or pesticides.

Simplify the Science

The takeaway when you are using Mycorrhizal Fungi in your grow is this:  Keep it simple, get to the roots, let nature do the work, and…

Boost your grow the natural way


p.s.  If you found value in this post, please like, share, and follow the knowledge from GreenEden.  The Natural Way to Plant and Soil Care.



EndoBoost Hydro Soluble Mycorrhizae

How To Grow The Best Plants Naturally With EndoBoost Hydro

What Is EndoBoost Hydro?

A Powerful, Soluble Microbial Biostimulant – With The Most Diverse, Concentrated, And Complete Nutrient Enhancing Formula – To Boost Your Grow The Natural Way! 

 EndoBoost Hydro has a supercharged blend of ingredients that naturally builds soil and benefits plants; and is guaranteed to boost your growth, yields and production.

Endomycorrhizal Fungi have evolved over hundreds of millions of years.  It has been theorized that mycorrhizae are a key reason that plants transitioned from sea to land.  85% of all plants form a symbiosis with Endomycorrhizae, where plants feed the fungi sugars from photosynthesis, and mycorrhizal colonize and extend plant roots to make water and nutrients more readily available to plants.

Mycorrhizal Fungi are essential to establishing healthy, productive plants.  They set the stage for explosive root growth, increased nutrient and water availability, and protect against pathogens.

Beneficial Bacteria act as the “probiotics” for plants.  A healthy, living soil needs a diversity of microbes to give your plants the essential nutrients they need to thrive; and create the conditions for strong, healthy, resilient plants and soil.

These Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) break down organic matter and macro and micronutrients, induce plant growth hormones, increase nutrient availability, improve soil health, and defend against pathogens.

Humic Acids, Sea Kelp Extract, and Yucca Plant Extract are the Biostimulants (Biofertilizers) that feed your living soil.

Humic and Fulvic Acids are powerful chelators that increase nutrient uptake, boost microbial activity, increase drought tolerance, and improve soil structure.  They are formed through the breakdown of organic matter, and are sourced as leonardite.  Leonardite is found near lignite based coal deposits, and serve as the best natural source of humic substances; organic matter in its most pure form.

Sea Kelp Extract is a natural biofertilizer, with over 70 trace minerals and vitamins, growth hormones, enzymes, and proteins.  Seaweeds have been used as fertilizers for millennia; and aid in cell division, soil fertility, feed microbes, and enhance nutrient utilization.

Yucca Plant Extract is a natural surfactant.  It helps to break the surface tension of water, allowing for better soil infiltration.  This improves nutrient uptake and water holding capacity.  Yucca also protects against plant stress and reduces salt buildup in roots and soil.

Trichoderma Fungi are a truly unique and powerful biostimulant.  Like mycorrhizal, it colonizes the area around plant roots.  But unlike mycorrhizal, it can also survive away from plant roots for some time.  It works with other microbes through this colonization to promote plant growth, defend against root and plant pathogens, fixes nitrogen, and induces many plant growth hormones.

Vitamins and L-Amino Acids serve many essential functions related to plant health.  Like in humans, vitamins are essential for optimal health.  Deficiencies in specific vitamins can cause detrimental effects.

Plant benefits from ideal vitamin regulation include increased nutritional content, creation of enzyme co-factors necessary for plant function, and supplementing deficiencies during the plants life cycle; including during rooting, flowering and fruit set.

L-Amino Acids are also essential to successful, vigorous plants.  They increase root and leaf biomass, improve microbial activity, buffer heavy metals and salts, improve stress tolerance and chlorophyll synthesis; and are a source of organic nitrogen.


Diverse and Potent Biostimulants Grow The Best Plants

Dare to compare.  The diversity of species and potent concentration of EndoBoost Hydro is second-to-none.  This diversity and potency allows plants to be quickly established and optimized for maximum growth and health.

Healthy ecosystems contain massive amounts of diversity, and EndoBoost Hydro delivers an abundant complement of fungal and bacterial strains that give your plants the maximum benefits they need for success.

But why is that important?

Plants have been shown to use what is called Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR).  ISR is a response that is induced by beneficial bacteria and/or fungi that results in suppression of plant pathogens and pests, as well as promoting plant growth.

The selection of beneficial bacteria, fungi, and biostimulants in EndoBoost Hydro is no accident.  Research shows that combinations of biostimulants work in tandem to enhance plant growth and health.

The combination of ingredients in EndoBoost Hydro are highly selective to be the most dominant and effective to colonize plants, induce ISR, protect plants and induce growth.

For growers, this means you have the opportunity to have the best plants.

Effective and Versatile ‘Professional Grade’ Solution To Give You The Most Vigorous, Healthy, Productive Plants

Professionals and novices alike will appreciate the effectiveness and versatility of EndoBoost Hydro.  Research over decades has concluded that biostimulants have a prominent role to play in biointensive, regenerative, and productive agriculture and horticulture.

Regardless of your method, we have you covered.  Hydroponics, soil, coco coir, sphagnum peat, aeroponics, aquaponics.  EndoBoost Hydro will be effective in any soil or hydroponic growing setup.

All growers benefit from the versatility of EndoBoost Hydro.  Applied dry, in solution, as a root drench, injection; or any other method that gets direct contact with plant roots.  They are all effective.

 If you are a hydroponic grower, the benefits are even greater.  EndoBoost Hydro is dormant in dry form; unlike many liquid inoculants which use chemicals to suppress the microorganisms in solution.  With 1 tsp per 10 gallon concentration, EndoBoost Hydro is ready to be unleashed as soon as it is applied.  

One answer to give your grow the start it needs.  The benefits include:

  • Faster Plant Establishment (An Insurance Policy for your Plants).
  • Endomycorrhizae Colonize 92% of all Plant Families on Earth, and are the Backbone of a Healthy Rhizosphere.
  • The “Fungal Highway” Formed by Mycorrhizal Hyphae Moves Nutrients and Water from Abundant Areas to Deficient Areas, Resulting in Less Fertilizer Use Overall.
  • The Combination of Mycorrhizae, Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi Work Together to Protect Against Pests, Pathogens, and Stress, Lowering the Need For Pesticides.
  • The Biostimulants (Humic Acids, Sea Kelp Extract, Yucca Plant Extract) Feed and Assist this Diverse Living Amendment and Benefits All Plants in Any Kind of Grow.

Do your research, then compare the potency, diversity, and science to confirm that EndoBoost Hydro is is a true, all-in-one, professional grade amendment.  Guaranteed to Boost Your Grow The Natural Way.

p.s. If you like this post, please like and share.  Spread the word that there’s biointensive, sustainable ways to have stellar plants, naturally.  Thanks.







Premium Natural Mycorrhizal Fungi

EndoBoost Pro Benefits Soil and Plants

EndoBoost Pro Premium Natural Mycorrhizal Fungi


  • 100% All Natural, Pure Blend of Endomycorrhizal Fungi, Beneficial Bacteria, Trichoderma, and Biostimulants – Easy to Use Living Soil Amendment that Naturally Builds Healthy and Strong Soil and Plants – No Chemicals – Nothing Synthetic – GMO Free – Made in the USA
  • OMRI Listed for Organic Use
  • Potent, Diverse Concentration of 7 Endomycorrhizal Fungal Species – 17 Strains Beneficial Bacteria – 4 Trichoderma Species – with Humic Acids, Sea Kelp Extract, and Yucca Plant Extract Organic Nutrients
  • Works as an Effective, Advanced Solution to Naturalize Soil, Increase the Surface Area of Roots, Enhance Nutrient and Water Uptake, Budding, Flowering, Yields, and Production
  • Diverse Beneficial and Nutrient Compound Reduces Transplant Shock, Plant Loss, Fertilizer Use, Need for Pesticides, Heat Stress Damage, and Drought Stress
  • All-Purpose Soil Enhancer Promotes Growth in Plants of All Types Including Annuals, Perennials, Vegetables, Shrubs, Trees, Turf, Cannabis, Houseplants, Orchards, Vineyards, and more
  • EndoBoost Pro can be used as a Soil Amendment, or in any method there is Direct Root Contact
  • As little as 4 Ounces Treats up to 200 Gallons of Soil.  Equal to 100 Square Feet Coverage; Billions of Beneficial Fungi, Microbes and Biostimulants.  A Little Goes a Long Way.

Beginner or Experienced Growers Alike can Boost Your Grow The Natural Way!

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal FungiOrder Now!