What Are Trichoderma Fungi?

Trichoderma are fungi that are present in nearly all soils and other habitats where organic matter is available.  They form a symbiosis with plants by colonizing roots and act to control pathogens as well as increase plant growth and development.

Trichoderma are highly adaptable and able to live apart from plant roots for a time, but readily colonize plant roots which they come into contact with.  These fungi grow rapidly and can be deployed in numerous application methods.  Many are naturally resistant to most pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.

How Does The Symbiosis Between Trichoderma And Plants Benefit Your Grow?

Trichoderma Fungi act as both a Biocontrol and Biostimulant for plants.  And when used in combination with other Biostimulants and organic nutrients, dramatically massive gains can be expected.

Trichoderma as a Biocontrol

There are numerous ways in which Trichoderma Fungi can act as a preventative control against many pathogenic organisms.  The following list explains these ‘modes of action” as it relates to Biocontrol.  A ‘mode of action’ can be defined as the way in which a Plant Biostimulant can control, and eliminate pathogens, or assist plants in defending against them.

  • By competition for nutrients and living space:  Trichoderma will rapidly colonize plant roots and outcompete pathogens that may try to attack the host plant.  They multiply readily and may persist up to 18 months after application.  This indirect control of pathogens allows for Trichoderma to benefit the host plant in other ways.  Nutrient competition between Trichoderma and pathogens is another biocontrol mechanism.  Where Trichoderma increase nutrient uptake to the host plant, and release compounds (ie. siderophores) which limits nutrient availability and starves pathogens.
  • Mycoparasitism:  Interactions between the pathogen, and biocontrol. Trichoderma sense, invade, and destroy pathogens directly.  This is done through the release of cell wall degrading enzymes and secondary metabolites that allows for Trichoderma to parasitize and prey on the pathogenic fungi.
  • ISR/SAR:    Induced Systemic Resistance and Systemic Acquired Resistance as a signal/response between plants and biocontrol agents against pathogens or pests.  This is where plants and/or trichoderma release proteins, enzymes, and secondary metabolites which ‘prime’ the host plant against a perceived pathogen.  This gives the host plant an acquired mechanism of defense against viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens.
  • Secondary Metabolite/Antibiotic production:  Known as antibiosis, or the antagonistic association between organisms where one is adversely affected Trichoderma releases secondary metabolites and antibiotics that stop pathogens from affecting the host plant.  Combinations of these chemicals are formed in response to a pathogen, and are dependent on environmental factors such as light, pH, nutrients, nutrient deficiencies, or mechanical injury.

Examples of Pathogens Controlled By Trichoderma Spp.

The many ways that Trichoderma interact with plants through biocontrol allows for these fungi to survive, act on, and improve the overall health and production of plants.

These biocontrols contribute to both sustainable and integrated disease management strategies.  The control of plant disease by Trichoderma involve complex interactions between the host plant, pathogen, biocontrol agent, and environmental factors.

That is why GreenEden products contain a high diversity of strains.  The diversity of fungal species allows for separate control measures to be taken based on the host plant, pathogen type, soil type, pH, temperature, nutrient availability, etc.

Trichoderma as a Biostimulant

  • Root Growth Promotion:  Trichoderma fungi have been shown to enhance both germination as well as root length and root area in plants across a wide host range.  With a direct relationship to increases in leaf number, size, chlorophyll content and overall plant biomass.  These same results have been shown in the propagation of cuttings.  Namely improved quality, reduced fungicide use, and quicker turnaround.
  • Plant Nutrition and Growth:  Effects on plant growth and nutrient use efficiency are greatly enhanced in the presence of Trichoderma.  They have proven to be intense chelators of organic matter; and solubilize inorganic matter for plant uptake.  Making available to plants a wide range of macro (NPK) and micronutrients.  This nutrient use efficiency shows up to a 50% decrease in fertilizer use compared to standard fertilizer inputs.  The release of various phytohormones (Auxins, IAA etc.) and secondary metabolites (organic acids, terpenes etc.) into the root zone by Trichoderma also carry direct plant growth benefits.
  • Stress Tolerance and Adaptation:  Indirect benefits to plant growth from Trichoderma colonization include increased tolerance to heat, cold, drought, and salinity .  This tolerance is induced from a combination of increased root mass and development allowing for improved water and nutrient use;  as well as the release of compounds (auxins, IAA, cytokinins, gibberellins, organic acids, etc.) that regulate many basic plant functions resulting in robust, healthy plants.
The use of Trichoderma in biointensive and regenerative agriculture and horticulture allows for these many natural processes to work for the benefit of plant growth and health.

Combinations of Biostimulants with Trichoderma Fungi Supercharge Your Plants and Soil

Research has shown that when growers use a diverse combination of Biostimulants, positive effects on plant growth and health result.  The impressive lineup of Biostimulants in GreenEden Inoculants create the conditions for plants to boost nutrition, growth, stress response, and combat pathogens.

Trichoderma, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Beneficial Bacteria, and other Biostimulants work in the microbiome to feed a living soil and allow plants to use these tools to trigger the killer results that you desire.  Much like Trichoderma alone, combinations of Biostimulants work synergistically with plants within the root zone to benefit plant health and growth.  And plants are able to shape their root zone for maximum benefit based on specific growing conditions and environmental factors.

The Bottom Line:

Trichoderma Fungi, and the scientifically proven blend of Biostimulants contained in GreenEden Inoculant products gives you an easy-to implement solution to massive yields and production.

Every growing situation is unique, but we have you covered.  When you combine a diverse and potent cocktail of Biostimulants with Trichoderma, your likelihood of success is maximized.

Don’t complicate the science.  Exploit nature in a good way.

Used in any soil based medium, hydroponic, or other growing methods, GreenEden Inoculants are insurance for your plant’s success.  And an assurance that you can boost your grow.  The natural way.