How Do Mycorrhizal Fungi Help Plants

What Does Mycorrhizae Do For Plants?

  • Increase Nutrient Use Efficiency and Uptake
  • Improve Plant Stress Tolerance
  • Boost Crop Quality and Yields

How does GreenEden Mycorrhizal Fungi help grow great plants?  The 7 strains of Mycorrhizal Fungi in our products were specifically chosen for the benefits they provide your plants.  Each one of these strains are scientifically proven to greatly expand the root zone of plants.  This helps your plants get established quickly, and obtain the water and nutrients they need to thrive. 

GreenEden Mycorrhizae colonize plants across a wide range of growing conditions, and soil types, maximizing plant potential and performance.  No matter what your growing setup is.

There are many studies that have shown that using a combination of multiple Mycorrhizal species perform better than using a single strain.  This is due in part to the fact that not all Mycorrhizal perform the same in different types of growing conditions, environments, and plant and soil types.  

When you use a quality, multiple species Mycorrhizal product you give your plants the best chance for success.

EndoBoost Pro Mycorrhizal Fungi

Meet the Fungi

A Mycorrhizal Combination to Boost Your Grow The Natural Way

  • Funneliformis mosseae:  One of the most prevelant Endomycorrhizal fungi that colonizes a wide range of plant species across most climates.  Known to colonize medicinal plants such as Cannabis.
  • Rhizophagus intraradices:  Widely distributed and common strain that colonizes a wide range of plant species across various growing conditions.  One of the best Mycorrhizal species for Cannabis. 
  • Rhizophagus fasciculatus :  Wide ranging species that effectively combats drought, salt, and other biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • Glomus dussi:  Complementary species that is known to help increase root and plant mass, yields, and pathogen resistance.
  • Rhizophagus clarus:  Common species that colonizes plants and shown to increase Nutrient use efficiency, yields, and phytochemical content.
  • Septoglomus deserticola:  Species prevalent in dry regions that improves plant stress tolerance and drought stress tolerance.
  • Glomus microaggregatum:  Prevalent in wide ranging environments that adapts easily to drought stress and other adverse conditions.

The Mycorrhizal listed above are Endomycorrhizae.  Endomycorrhizae colonize up to 85% of all plant families.  This includes most vegetables (not brassicas), landscape plants, high value crops like Cannabis, and others.

The diversity of Mycorrhizal in GreenEden EndoBoost products allows your plants to to ‘choose’ the species that gives it the largest possible benefit.  Research has shown that Mycorrhizal populations change over time due to many different factors.

Check out these links (here, here, and here) for more on how research has shown the benefits of inoculation with multiple Endomycorrhizal strains, and in combination with ‘helper bacteria’ that boost plant potential, phytochemical content, and yields.

Establishing healthy living soils with Endomycorrhizae is one secret to successful gardening.  This is especially crucial for high-value crops like Cannabis.  Inoculating your plants with a robust and diverse population of Mycorrhizal Fungi and beneficial microbes grow better plants.  This combination helps your plants to better deal with stress, gain nutrients and water efficiently, and obtain what they need to thrive.

Mycorrhizal Fungi and Associated Microbiota as Plant Biostimulants

What to Look for in the Best Mycorrhizal Fungi Products

Multiple Mycorrhizal Species

Some products include a combination of Endo and Ectomycorrhizae.  These products make sense to use if you want to treat multiple plant types.  Conifers (pine, spruce, fir, etc.), Oaks, and other tree species are colonized by Ectomycorrhizae.  While some other species are colonized by both Endo and Ectomycorrhizae.  

Choose your Mycorrhizal wisely depending on what you’re growing and read product labels.  Don’t be fooled by products that inflate their Mycorrhizal counts by adding Ectomycorrhizal strains that will not colonize most plant types.

Spore (Propagule) Counts

Mycorrhizal propagules are a combination of spores, hyphae (root hairs), and root fragments.  These propagules each have the ability to infect plant roots and begin to form a Mycorrhizal network.  Higher spore counts give your plants a better chance at colonization.  This allows you to use a smaller volume of product for successful inoculation of plant roots with Mycorrhizal.

Complimentary Ingredients

Living soils grow great plants 

Mycorrhizal Fungi do not work alone in building living soil.  The complimentary ingredients in GreenEden Inoculants work with the Mycorrhizal to help obtain the nutrients and beneficials your plants need for a successful grow.  

Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria, Beneficial Fungi, Humic Acids, Plant Extracts, Vitamins and Amino Acids.  These are the triggers that unlock untapped resources from your soil and give you the much sought after production and yields growers expect.  Read more about these Plant Biostimulants here.

The science behind Mycorrhizal Fungi is complex and the research is always evolving.  There are many things we still do not understand.  What is known is that a plants root zone is a complicated ecosystem.  And the colonization of the root zone by Mycorrhizal evolves and changes over time.  Plants communicate with this ecosystem and take what they need to survive and thrive.  This ‘Internet of Plants’ works as a system that benefits both plants and the organisms that live among them.  This is how Mycorrhizal Fungi help plants.  

Boost Your Grow The Natural Way